Current Affairs

A Message of Hope from Angers

31st August 2020
It’s the connectivity factor, coupled with an expertise in many fields of endeavours and a brand-new convention centre, that’s making Angers one of the more attractive locales for associations meeting in France.
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Carriers of Human Values

27th August 2020
Destinations like Cannes, Marseille, Mandelieu-la-Napoule, Nice and Toulon have strong values at their core that association planners can count on for the organization of events.
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Membership Engagement in the Virtual World

20th August 2020
Reflecting from Manila, Octavio ‘Bobby’ Peralta, CEO & Founder of the Philippine Council of Associations and Association Executives (PCAAE), gives the highlights of a webinar he just organized for his members.
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Nancy Ready to Relaunch

19th August 2020
Considered by some to be the most Italian town of eastern France, Nancy, the capital of the Duchy of Lorraine, has a few assets up its sleeve, especially in these unprecedented circumstances.
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Chronicles of a Winning Mindset in Times of Crisis

17th August 2020
Elizabeth Niehaus, Executive Officer of the International Exhibition Logistics Association (IELA), argues that never before has the power of adaptation been more important, just as never before has the role of associations leaders been critical.
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Change & Inclusion in Nice

13th August 2020
An active modern capital with a rich cultural and historical heritage, Nice is the 5th largest city in France. Nested between the mountains around Baie des Anges and the sea, it has become an expert host of association events of all kinds.
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A Future-Proof Plan Post-Pandemic

3rd August 2020
Boardroom polled AC Forum —who values peer-to-peer exchange on all things association-related and serves as a knowledge exchange for organisations of all kinds facing industry challenges— on how their member associations anticipate changes in the association sector and the events they hold.
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More Than Back to Business: Up for New Challenges

16th July 2020
Eager to get back in the conference room and pass constructive knowledge around, for associations it is not about when their next event will take place anymore but about how safe the destination is and how valuable the impact of their event will be for the communities involved. Business Events Sarawak (BESarawak) covers all the bases as the state opens for business post-virus.
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Adapting to a New Reality

13th July 2020
Boardroom caught up with Olivier Le Floch, Head of Sales, Business Development and Partnerships at La Cité Nantes Congress Centre, at the beginning of the summer: He expressed his optimism regarding the future of the meetings industry and his long-lasting faith in face-to-face events.
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New Boardroom MiniCourses Available Now

7th July 2020
Following the successful launch of our learning platform last week, we’re happy to announce new MiniCourses have already been added to our already-rich curriculum. There are now 20 short, high-quality educational videos online.
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New Challenges Going Virtual

29th June 2020
Nils Molly, Digital Business & Innovation, INTERPLAN Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG, reflects on how virtual meetings can help boost learning and engagement, perhaps before the next best thing; hybrid events.
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Three Tips for Boosting Engagement at Virtual Events

25th June 2020
The pandemic may have accelerated the conversion to digital platforms, but virtual events are a tool that may be here for the long-run. As with live events, one of the key factors is engagement. But without seeing attendees or speakers face-to-face, how can organisers ensure participants will be just as stimulated when they’re sitting behind a screen?
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