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+32 2 743 47 20

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• All furnished PDF files should comply with PDF X-1a specifications.
• All high-resolution images and fonts must be included (linked and updated) when the PDF/X1a file is saved.
• Images must be SWOP (CMYK or Grayscale), TIFF or EPS between 200 and 400 dpi.
• Do not nest EPS file into other EPS files. Do not embed ICC Profiles within images.
• Fonts can be Type 1, Open type, or TrueType fonts. Multiple Master fonts are not recommended.
• Do not submit CT/LW, TIFF-IT, or DCS files embedded in a PDF “wrapper” (PDF to go).
• Ensure that all image, art, tint and type elements are set to knock out or overprint as desired; do not use registration color or 4/c black for text.
• The ad should be right-reading, in portrait mode, at 100% size, and no rotations.
• Exporting a PDF from Photoshop is not recommended. Composite fonts (also known as CID or “Identity-H” fonts) have a risk of not imaging correctly.